The greatest added value in my life are people. Things that I learn from them, things that I see or make with them always have been the most important learning points in my life
Whenever I go my first impression is about people, my last impression is always about people
I’m glad to meet people that are better than me, because I learn from them, it is good to meet people that are worst than me cause in that case I feel that I’m not the worst person in the world:)
I know people that know how to put a price on others, to evaluate others, to give the praise they need
There are people than don’t understand the value of things they receive, they always will fuck up your plans or will destroy your dreams…
Jealousy and love, anger and the devotement, anxiety and the ability to wait for ages all are emotions of people, if there would be only machines we would not have this,
Would YOU like a world like that...not me
Even the most famous journal(after Playboy:)) is called “People”
over and out
Whenever I go my first impression is about people, my last impression is always about people
I’m glad to meet people that are better than me, because I learn from them, it is good to meet people that are worst than me cause in that case I feel that I’m not the worst person in the world:)
I know people that know how to put a price on others, to evaluate others, to give the praise they need
There are people than don’t understand the value of things they receive, they always will fuck up your plans or will destroy your dreams…
Jealousy and love, anger and the devotement, anxiety and the ability to wait for ages all are emotions of people, if there would be only machines we would not have this,
Would YOU like a world like that...not me
Even the most famous journal(after Playboy:)) is called “People”
over and out
People are those who make our life various, diverse because the true relations between people never die.. with respect Dima