m-am mutat

pentru că acei de la google sunt nerușinați și mi-ai blocat blogul pentru mai mult de o săptămână eu m-am mutat de aici

în 3-2-1 vei fi rederecționat spre blogul nou

duminică, 1 martie 2009


As we are getting closer to the end of our terms people tend to review all of their AIESEC XP
What was good?
What was bad?
Where was MY moment
Most of times wiping off all the negative parts and creating a slide show of best moments to remember
Pictures of our teams on wallpapers or avatars, the desire to say everything that was unsaid, and a strange need in something big... that's all it is
Having a new non-AIESEC live how many of us are ready for that after 2-3-4 years of being one with the organisation. Have to start getting out
we all will have to do that one day


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text © Nicolae Apostu