m-am mutat

pentru că acei de la google sunt nerușinați și mi-ai blocat blogul pentru mai mult de o săptămână eu m-am mutat de aici

în 3-2-1 vei fi rederecționat spre blogul nou

vineri, 18 ianuarie 2008


ce urasc eu??

zi de zi sa ma scol dimineata si sa-mi bag seringa sub piele..fara ea nu pot exista dar urasc asta!!

urasc maxi-taxiurile, sau cum le mai zic la noi rutiere, or si mai potrivit marshrutshi, pai le urasc pentru ca soferii cred ca ele sunt facute din cauciuc!

urasc cand oamenii nu-si duc pina la capt promisiunele

urasc praful

si frigul

si caldura excesiva

si studiile lipsite de sens

calatoriile cu autobuzul care dureaza mai mult de 22 de ore

urasc cand ma trezesc dimineata si nu am bani decat de rutiera iar toata ziua voi sta in oras si iarasi stomacul imi va sfisia mintile

urasc sa fiu subestimat or supraestimat

nu-mi place la tara, pur si simplu pentru ca nu-mi place...

urasc cand pica internetul in timpul unei convesatii importante

or nu-i transoport si e ora 0.00 si e timpul sa fii acasa petntru ca miine e o zi lunga si nu reusesti nimic pe naiba


ei si ce??

cui ii pasa??

ce obtin prin ura?


atunci nu mai urasc:)

over and out...

noapte buna

marți, 15 ianuarie 2008

Life is...

life is just one fuckin' thing after another...

u get born, go to school, university, work, kids, u die..

generally I like the phrase: "a great life, like a great story is not measured in the amount of page it has, but in the amount of moments you remember from it"

I’m often thinking about the future, with a small bit of fear, what is in there what is expecting for me??
is it a life full of success
or the bottom of a bottle, with no friends or place to live

when you are small you are afraid of being forgotten by your mom in the shop, or that your sister will not come to pick you from the kinder garden in the evening,
or you think that the bad guy from the fairytale that your grandmother just finished reading is under your bed and you sleep all night covered with the blanket so that he cannot get you!
life is just one fuckin' thing after another...

in the high school all the boys wanna get laid...it's like a crazy tournament, who'll do it first?? well i wasn't doing that at 13-teen and i don't really regret..everithing must come at its time talking

about the length of life..
I was always afraid of death, because nobody could tell me what is there(basically nobody comes back) and the lack of knowledge is one of my fears...
but now that i have diabetes..people with diabetes rarely live more than 60 years...
it's not that I’m expecting for the death now to knock on my door it’s just that I live without thinking about that

sometimes to overcome your fears you must face them...as simple as that:)

over and out

duminică, 6 ianuarie 2008

36 hours...

8.10 in the morning, Saturday 5-th of december. I get out in a -14 degrees outside searching for the car:two bags and a lot of expectation. Hach-backs are cool but they are not made for 5 persons. It doesn't matter. After 140 km of trip we reach the wenue.

It's funny: from the moment i get in the room till the begining of my first training there are 2 minutes. Still no stress, i simply enjoy my 2-nd conference managemet on a TtT.

Acctualy the conference started yesterday but we managed to get here only today (we it's me and 3 other crazy facis from AIESEC Moldova: Yu, Artiom and Pavel, but there was another guy with us: our transport spnsor: Andrei Ciobanu-kinda buddy of the organisation, this guy isn't in @ but i think he's readdy for th e Leadershi Stage already:))

So it was 1 day of hard training, a TtT held totally for an EB(well fresh EB in a fresh LC but still). In the evening we got to see the place in where we'll sleep. It was BRILLIANT, the best room i ever got up till now in Moldova since I am in @. Shower, fridge, TV in rooms and all the stuff like that:)

2-nd day the simulations. I think all the simulations are the same, with similar mistakes for fresh trainers, with similar feedbacks from facis and the joy of being declared a trainer.

It was strage because in the same day we managed to make 2 other blitz trainings: TtI and a sales training. Actually it was more a discussion and sharing of XP but i think in the given conditions it was the best variant.

Being in the car on the back way home (a lot of snow my friends, 10 meters of row to be seen and that's it, a real "Silent Hill"-feeling) i went back to my TtT when i was a delegate. All the people that took it with me. Someone is in a MC abroad, others are in their national trainers teams, some in LCEB, or another side that went out of AIESEC, opened their business, and didn't ever applied the skills they got on that conference, but we all were there, and lived the same amazing XP. Hope sometime someone from that conference to have the same thoughts.

I'm also sure of the fact that AIESEC Moldova Trainers Team have a great future as I've seen new trainers in a conference and they were great!

8.10 in the evening. It's Sunday i get in the apartment, want to eat:)

the first conference in 2008 in Moldova is over( and I have a strange feeling that it was the 1-st conference in AIESEC globally in 2008)

over and out

joi, 3 ianuarie 2008

stiam ca ai sa zici asta...

oamenii mor... inevitabil

cei care nu mor... nu sunt oameni

sunt oameni care pot citi gandurile altora...

sunt oameni care creeaza cupluri doar prin dorinta...

ai grja ce-ti doresti

deseori stiu ce-mi vei zice

or ce ti-au zis prietenii

si inevitabil toti ne zbatem

sub soare pentru un loc

tin minte la gradinita, la ora somnului

era o fata care iubea sa se dezbrace si sa danseze

hm..atunci am vazut pentru prima data ca fetele nu sunt ca baietii

era prima zi de gradinita

tot la gradinita am aflat ca mos craciun nu exista

educatoarea imbracata in costumul mosului era prea beata si am cunoscut-o dupa voce

nu i-am zis la nimeni

desi stiam ca e ea

stiu deseori ce ai sa-mi zici, or ce zici prietenilor tai

or ce vorbesc oamenii pe la spate, despre toti, despre ei, despre noi

despre mine...

da cui ii pasa?

suntem prea ocupati

cand m-am batut prima data-nu mi-a curs singe...

probabil de aia nu ma tem de greutati

as putea sa ma ma mut intr-o alta tara

unde e mai usor...

dar nu o voi face

ah da..stiam ca ai sa zici asta

ai grija ce-ti doresti

si felicitari andrei...

acum e 4*2

ramane inca un obiectiv...

over and out

noapte buna
text © Nicolae Apostu