I remember myself a year ago: a fresh trainer just from the TtT, i was feeling like the whole world spins around me, the feeling was great!!!I even was thinking that all my goals for this year were attained, a great feeling:-).I've meet a lot of new, interesting and a my girlfriend likes to say, colored people.In the same time i was wondering if someday it would be possible offer someone the same gift as it was offered for me?And so a dream appeared
My main goal was to become a VPPD. I've missed this opportunity just because couldn't come to the elections.So i became a Trainers Team Coordinator.My dream was still there, but now it gained new features:the opportunity to promote my country for the whole world(well at least for 5 other countries) and so a DREAM became a GOAL.
I've contacted Irina the NTTC of Romania, and she liked the idea and offered me her support. And so the GOAL became a process..
I've passed the flame.And so I'm a conference manager, a TtT conference manger, an international conference manager, first Moldavian international conference.I feel like the whole world spins around me and i wonder if it is possible that this TtT would become an each year event.Maybe a new dream?
Thank YOU...
Irina for letting me be the happiest Conference Manager in the world
Oana for not going to the functional meeting in order to be at this TtT, and for being there for all of us
Inga for her strong desire to give everything she has for this conference
Tanea for her help and support as a president and faci
Artiom for being the person that i can trust 100%
Iulea for the ability to do all the important things without focusing all the attention on herself
Olga for being always enthusiastic about everything she does
My home group for being the best home group ever!
The delegates for the desire to learn and for your crazy-shiny-smart behaviour.Thank you for being active learners.