m-am mutat

pentru că acei de la google sunt nerușinați și mi-ai blocat blogul pentru mai mult de o săptămână eu m-am mutat de aici

în 3-2-1 vei fi rederecționat spre blogul nou

duminică, 15 iulie 2007

tips for a good liar

Lies... an easy way to be always better than you are, here are some tips and tricks for better lying:

1.make sure your lies are trust full for you first of all you must believe what you say

2.don't be double faced with people you know for a long period of time, later or sooner they will lose the trust in you

3.remember that strong feelings as love, jealousy, envy, hate are the hardest to hide

4.control your body, your mimics, your gestures always betray you there are people that can read them

5.never give big lies to people you really care about, they know you better than you think
6.when you lie be confident, don't look up at the ceiling or analyse your footwear, make them trust you

7.always remember your lies, it's much more important than keeping in mind the truth you said, as lies are much more likely to kick you in future

8.don't lie, easy ways are not always the best

marți, 10 iulie 2007

ce am invatat vara asta...

am invatat ca pot sa petrec 3 luni practic fara mai mult de jumatate din prieteni si sa nu mor

am invatat sa fac supa si asta este bine desi banal

am invatat ca fac parte din sistem atita timp cat imi trebuie

am invatat ca oposul sistemului este haosul

am invatat sa pretuiesc serile calde de vara

si am invatat ca fara mare ma sting si innebunesc

am invatat ca AIESEC-ul este o platforma pentru a te DEZVOLTA

am aflat ca viata este plina de up's and down's insa trebuie sa fii mereu de parca esti pe val altfel valul te inneaca

si mai este ceva...curind am sa invats sa transmit si la altii ceea ce am invatat

duminică, 8 iulie 2007

not places but people

i was just thinking..it's true that not places but people counts

we were on a some kind of holiday..me and my friends from AIESEC
fireworks, concert and a lot of other stuff were promised..to be honest it sucked..
the fireworks were not as beautiful as promised..and the concert..well i think there was not any concert:)
we played the mime the whole evening...:))in the middle of the crowd 10 crazy persons, one trying to mime something(the clitoris, the integrity, the metamorphose etc. etc.) 4 trying desperately to guess what is that and 5 others lathing..and all over again..
in the end 3 km by foot to get home..it was midnight... again fun

life is what u make of it:-)

luni, 2 iulie 2007

no visa 2

a doua viza mi se refuza vara asta..

adica nici nu am izbutit sa intru

mi s-a zis intr-un ton nu tocmai politicos ca o conferinta in AIESEC nu este o urgenta si repectiv nu mai merg la nici un TtF... gm adica nu mi se da viza si daca pot sa merg fara ea la conferinta nu e o problema..

dar nu pot..

ma gindeam la sensul indiferentei iar..kit de adinc si laconic este

sa traieste EUROPA

sa traiasca presedintele Moldovei care zice ca nu avem nevoie de 2 ambasade a Romaninei in Md

sa traiasca tipul care m-a indrumat azi dimineatsa..nu vreau sa zic unde m-a indrumat..

sa traisaca toti..

fara vize vesnic inchisi la ei in tara...cacatii
text © Nicolae Apostu