m-am mutat

pentru că acei de la google sunt nerușinați și mi-ai blocat blogul pentru mai mult de o săptămână eu m-am mutat de aici

în 3-2-1 vei fi rederecționat spre blogul nou

vineri, 20 februarie 2009

On the road again...

From time to time my blog goes into English for a long time, and the reason is another AIESEC conference that I am attending. This means that from time to time I am discovering new, cool places for me, as I never tend to go in conferences in a cities that I’ve visited already except for moments when it is a must.
This time: Rome, Italy.
Wake up at 4 am (hate it). Tea, taxi, tickets, traveling. Bucharest, running not to be in late. Rome, Global Vilage, the Coliseum and some old friends to be met
That was my story for the trip in short. And of course some photos.
More to come

Over and out

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text © Nicolae Apostu