m-am mutat

pentru că acei de la google sunt nerușinați și mi-ai blocat blogul pentru mai mult de o săptămână eu m-am mutat de aici

în 3-2-1 vei fi rederecționat spre blogul nou

sâmbătă, 28 februarie 2009

Blogurile personale nu sunt interensante??

am auzit oameni care zic precum ca bloguril epersonale numai sunt interesnate, ca nimanui nu-i pasa despre ce scrii daca nu scrii tematic
mhm dubios
am sa merg doar la 2 exemple
1. City of God-filmul anului in 2002

2. Slumdog Millionaire- filmul anului in 2008

ambele facute fara megabugete
ambele cu aceiais linie de subiect: viat aunui tanar in conditii dificile in tarile cu un nivel de viat ascazut
sau ceea ce scriu cartile nu intodeauna e adevarat?

over and out

vineri, 27 februarie 2009


intodeauna mi-a placut sa calatoresc
iti ofera o stare de libertate si lipsa de responsabilitati inutile: daca ai inchis usa, daca nu ai uitat de gaz, daca ai sunat pe cutarica sa intrebi ceva..totul merge pe planul 2
desi exista si dezavantaje: spre exemplu citesti despre prabusirea avionului in Amsterdam si in 5 minute dupa asta pilotul practic tranteste paarea de otel(sau aluminiu sau ce mai e?)de pamant incat iti musti limba
or lipsa somnului
or mancarea care poate sa fie nu tocmai buna
or oameni care tusesc fara sa-si acopere gura

marea, calatoriile si ceaiul ma fac sa ma simt mai liber

over and out

sâmbătă, 21 februarie 2009

Life after AIESEC...

As I am getting out of and active role in AIESEC this conference means a lot of thinking for me. One of the things that strike my mind these days is that AIESEC-ers are so hard to be integrated into working or job reality because they are not “proud” of their company. Imagine this: you go every day to your job, you are bringing professionalism and quality as you are used to everything at a certain standard but there is no drive. Coming at 9.oo leaving at 18.oo and that’s it. No desire to work un till 4.oo in order to meet a deadline, no interest in tacking extra responsibilities as your job is only a way to get money so basically the job is not the motivation itself as happens in AIESEC. So what is the solution?
Don’t know yet…

over and out


The PAI elections are always a special event. With a lot of questioning from the current MCP’s and positive emotions for the elects. When you only enter AIESEC and you find out about the structure and about the fact that this great organization is run by a group of people, and that there is a guy/girl that is the one to be accountable for all that happens you think that they are almost aliens. But in 3-4 years here you are in IPM; you are deciding who out of 5 brilliant candidates will deserve to lead the organization next year… simply amazing.
This year I’ve been thru several positively surprising moments regarding the delegates. Well, well I can talk a lot about the elections and the process but I think there is a video that says it all in the end.

over and out

vineri, 20 februarie 2009

On the road again...

From time to time my blog goes into English for a long time, and the reason is another AIESEC conference that I am attending. This means that from time to time I am discovering new, cool places for me, as I never tend to go in conferences in a cities that I’ve visited already except for moments when it is a must.
This time: Rome, Italy.
Wake up at 4 am (hate it). Tea, taxi, tickets, traveling. Bucharest, running not to be in late. Rome, Global Vilage, the Coliseum and some old friends to be met
That was my story for the trip in short. And of course some photos.
More to come

Over and out

luni, 16 februarie 2009

Lost Generation

yes, true

vineri, 13 februarie 2009


stau cu sufletul nud in fata oglinzii si nu vad decat lacuri
hainele sunt pe jos
peste tot
nu-mi place sa fac ordine

ieri eram prin curte, prindeam ciori si vrabii
azi oficii prind...
mereu doream sa zbor
dar nu-mi plac aeroporturile
si apoi mancare asta gatita-congelata-decongelata-rece-pentru ca se serveste prea incet

imi place apa, oceanul imi place si mai mult de cand l-am vazut
cine oare ar bea atit?

si e straniu ca nu imi mai este la fel de somn ca inainte
vitaminele probabil isi fac efectul
mai am inca ceva in jur de 100 de zile si apoi revin in fericire totala
inchid usa
imbrac sufletul cu pereti de beton
el se supara dar accepta
e mai usor cand cineva scuipa pe perete decat in suflet

over and out

joi, 12 februarie 2009


intodeuna pune integritatea mai presus de toate cand vine vorba de relatia dintre el si lumea inconjuratoare, valorile trebuie sa fie mai presus decat necesitatile de moment

la varsta de 22 de ani este cam straniu sa te lasi influentat de vicile societatii, sa dai mita sau sa lingi funduri pentru a obtine ceva, e varsta idealismului idiot, varsta la care se nasc idei revolutionare si varsta la care poti sa sari sub gloante pentru IDEE

cei mai mari revolutionari, cei mai mari atreprenori, cei mai mai vestiti oameni, la 22 au inceput acel ceva care i-a facut MARI

eu cand?

over and out

luni, 9 februarie 2009

iarasi mi-i somn..

xerox...imi aduc aminte de fight club

nu ma mai trezeste nici muzica urland dimineata la maxim s-apoi curand Roma cu 10 nopti nedormite si mancare de hotel iar... si iar aeroporturi

imi place sa clatoresc...cum a zis cineva: ceaiul, marea si calatoriile ma fac sa ma simt liber

azi iar a iesit soarele, iar pe orizont erau nouri: negri, grei, mari, dar aveam impresia ca pleca si nu vin


uneori simt nevoie sa lovesc, ca sa curga singele...dar ma abtin, cat oare voi putea?

apropo, pentru toti cei care ziceau ca nu-s destoinic, curand va sosi

xerox... mi-i dor de sportul meu, si de lectura, simt ca fara carti ma ofilesc la creer

plec la somn

azi devreme

over and out

joi, 5 februarie 2009

Plictis 2(or provocare...)

ne place sa ne jucam dea marii sefi

fara sa demostram ceva, fara sa obtinem ceva, fara sa fim recunoscuti decat de 2-3-15 prieteni

la varsta de 20 de ani ne credem in stare sa rasturnam mari si sa schimbam realitati...

kkt fratilor, va curge laptele pe buze, poftim servetelul stergeti-va!

au nu va dati seama cat de manipulati puteti fi la aceasta varsta? cat de putin inseamna apartenenta la un grup cand nu ai nici o forta de decizie?

cat de adanca poate fi gura iadului?

acum oare cui eu ma adresez?

sau oare aberez?

sa fie celor din AIESEC?

sau in genere tutror celor de 20 de ani

sau insumi mie acum 3 ani?

nu, nu, nu...

continui sa fiu dezamgit rau de politica...deci tutror celor ce se amesteca in ea...

tuturor celor ce bat gura de schimbari..

convingeti-ma ca e posibil

convingeti-ma ca este pt cine sa te doara inima...

mi-i somn


over and out

duminică, 1 februarie 2009


(it comes from facebook...)Rules:

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. 
At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. you are obviously exempt if you have already posted.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

Here it goes...

1. I usually ignore that kind of notifications.
2. My parents divorced when I was 4.
3. I joined AIESEC only because I thought it would be cool to have an international organization in the CV. Never knew where it will lead.
4. I think math is an art. It’s just that you have to love it.
5. I’m dreaming about starting my own training company...
6. My favorite football club is Real Madrid.
7. Love to travel.
8. Integrity is one of my main values.
9. I hate to wake up in the mornings.
10. I am selfish but there is a number a people that will be more important to me than myself.
11. I have been in a coma.
12. I’ve been playing water polo for 7 years.
13. I have a notebook with over 100 poetries.
14. I fall in love fast but to love i need time.
15. I always hated to go to school, although i had good marks. I think it’s just that I’m lazy.
16. I am disappointed with the politics and politicians in my country.
17. Generally speaking I still hate politics.
18. I like Stephen King books.
19. Family is extremely important to me.
20. My fist training was a Team Building for the EB :)
21. I have double citizenship.
22. I plan to get married in 4 years.
23. I am still confused about the definition of leadership.
24. I think that there is more than one person that can match you. It’s just about making the right choice and stop searching
25. I didn’t drink vodka until I was 18 years old, but I smoked my first cigarette when I was 4.

over and out

text © Nicolae Apostu